allaroo News
For many years the Wallaroo Community Development Association, (WCDA), has worked with the Copper Coast Council to ensure that the town of Wallaroo encompasses the Christmas and holiday atmosphere that makes our town welcoming and exciting for our residents and visitors.
This atmosphere has been created by the placement of Christmas decorations at the foreshore and in our business area.
From Christmas 2024 onwards the Wallaroo Community Development Association will further enhance the towns Christmas atmosphere with the placement of Christmas lights atop the Owen Terrace Lighthouse.
There are many towns in Australia that have street Christmas decorations, and some also place Christmas lights in trees and private properties, but Wallaroo will become the only town that decorates a full size, land locked, lighthouse in its main street.
The lighthouse can be seen from all directions and its Christmas decorations will certainly add to the town’s festive mood.
The project to decorate the lighthouse has been possible due to the generous contributions made by the businesses and community organisations of Wallaroo.
The Wallaroo Community Development Association would like to thank these organisations for their donations.
A significant contribution has been received from Silvergate (SA) Pty Ltd the proponent for the Wallaroo Code Amendment, (currently on consultation). Mr George Demourtzidis from Silvergate said that they are committed to the continued growth and prosperity of the Wallaroo community and that they are thrilled to make a contribution towards the Wallaroo Christmas Lights and they look forward to seeing them this Christmas.
Donations and support have been received from;
Silvergate (SA) Pty Ltd, Newbery Chemists, Weeroona Hotel, Weeroona Hotel Patron’s Club, Prince Edward Hotel, Prince Edward Hotel Social Club, Cornucopia Hotel, The Lions Club of Wallaroo, Drakes Supermarket – Wallaroo, Wallaroo Heritage and Nautical Museum, NRG Electrical and SBCR Group (Silver Back Crane & Rigging).
The Copper Coast Council has contributed to the project by helping to install the Christmas lights on the lighthouse.
The Wallaroo Community Development Group has also replaced the old faded tinsel on the Christmas Street Decorations with sparkling new tinsel. This was made possible due to a Copper Coast Council Community Grant and lots of volunteer labor by the WCDA volunteers.
WCDA President, Andy West, said that he was extremely happy that the WCDA had been able to work with local businesses and council to add to the Christmas atmosphere in Wallaroo. The support from the community has been very positive and the result that we have achieved adds to the feel of the town at Christmas. The smiles on the faces of the children, and some adults, when the see Father Christmas standing at the top of the lighthouse makes the project worthwhile. It is hoped that this will become part of Christmas in Wallaroo in future years, and we are optimistic that with the ongoing support of the community we can add to the display next year. (source: WCDA media release 5 Dec 2024)
Exciting News Alert! Growing Regions Program – Round 1
We are thrilled to announce that Copper Coast Council has secured funding through the Growing Regions Program for the development of the Copper Coast Regional Aquatic Facility!
Council would like to thank the Australian Government and especially our community for their support through this application process.
This incredible project will transform Wallaroo's swimming area into a state-of-the-art destination, boasting a brand-new jetty, access equipment, shark barrier, shade and shelters, electrical works, pontoons, platforms, and engaging play elements for everyone to enjoy!
Get ready to dive into a whole new level of aquatic fun and relaxation right here on our beautiful coast! Stay tuned for more updates as we embark on this exciting journey together!
(Source: Copper Coast Council Facebook Page 16 May 2024)
anzac path lighting
Twelve new solar lights now line Anzac Way Pathway in Wallaroo, a well-used walkway enjoyed by locals and visitors alike.
Yesterday wonderful volunteers, with the assistance of Council, completed the solar lighting project, which could only have been possible due to a successful grant application from the Wallaroo Community Development Association.
Council would like to thank the Wallaroo Community Development Association for their efforts, as well as the Wallaroo and Copper Coast community for their patience while this fantastic community upgrade was occurring.
cyCling without age WALLAROO project
Cycling Without Age is a world wide, not for profit, charity, whereby volunteer cyclists offer free rides, for those who are unable to ride themselves. The purpose built, e-powered. Trishaw does all the work. Slow rides are about Freedom, Fun, Fresh Air, Storytelling, Inclusivity, connecting with community and nature. The right to feel the ‘wind in the hair, and salt in the air’.
Thanks to the following for their efforts to help bring to life a dream that has been two and a half years in the making; Cathy Vluggen, with support from the Wallaroo Community Development Association, including Grants through the Copper Coast Council, SA Government, Ageing Well, and RAA Grassroots funding, Private, and business donations, for Trishaw Accessories and Advertising.
Cyclist volunteers ‘Pilots’ are to be inducted at the Star of the Sea in Wallaroo on the 13th November 2023. Residents are undergoing assessments, for suitability. Just that one last step.
Age is no barrier. The youngest passenger was aged 3, the oldest so far, 95. A 90th. "Birthday ride was such amazing fun. Pleasure, beyond measure, for both of us."
Pilots offer their services, in their own time. Trishaw is for use around the community. A Pilot and support cyclist are required for rides with the Aged care sector.
No Pilots - No rides.
Details below for persons interested in booking a ride or training.
1. Text or phone your details to: Leona & Ron Clarke 0419 968 368
Lynice Abbott 0400 727 152
2. We shall connect, and arrange a ride, or ‘come and try’ briefing.
3. If interested join our Register of enthusiastic cyclists.
Visit us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/cwawallaroo
Do you have an event or a new business you would like to share with the Community? We have a current distribution of 1,500. Please note the following closing date for articles to be sent to us. (Please send your articles in a word.doc format to: amaleamaleamale@gmail.com)
Download our latest newsletter here:
Do you have a passion for Wallaroo? Enjoy meeting new people? Do you have marketing & IT skills? Can you spare few hours a month? The Wallaroo Community Development Association is looking for a new Secretary. This is a fantastic opportunity for someone who has pride in the town where they live and who would like to help enhance the lifestyle of our residents. It is also an important role which promotes Wallaroo as a fantastic lifestyle and tourism location. The Wallaroo Community website, www.wallaroocommunity.com.au, the Wallaroo Community Newsletter, "What's on in Wallaroo" Facebook and Instagram are all managed by our current Secretary.
The Wallaroo Community Development Association have been involved in a number of projects, including; bringing the 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup to Wallaroo, the nomination that saw Wallaroo named as the South Australian 2022 Top Tourism Town (small town category) and the Flame Festival. The Association also works with Council on; activities that encourage recycling of waste, landscape work on reserves and the Wallaroo entry roads.
There are a number of ongoing projects including; installing solar lighting along the ANZAC Walking Trail, the Wallaroo Art Trail and the improvement of directional signs around the town so that residents and visitors find it easier to get around the town and to find businesses and attractions.
The Association as always is behind the Copper Coast New Year’s Eve Celebrations and the Wallaroo Christmas Carols.
Another project that is very important to Wallaroo is the establishment of an all-weather swimming enclosure to replace the jetty pool that was destroyed by storms. The Wallaroo Community Development Association strongly supports the local residents group and the council who are both working hard to ensure we have a new pool as soon as possible.
Come and join a group of like-minded people to help make positive changes whilst working with the Copper Coast Council, local organisations and community groups.
The Wallaroo Community Development Association holds informal meetings, usually monthly, between February and December.
Please contact Fiona with any enquiries via email: fiona.karamanlidis@gmail.com or 0402 455 991.
Wallaroo Community Development Association
The Wallaroo Community Development Association, (WCDA), held its Annual general Meeting at the Wallaroo Sailing Club on Friday 2 December, following the meeting the members enjoyed a great meal and the hospitality of the Sailing Club.
President Andy West thanked the WCDA members for the many things that they had achieved for Wallaroo and its people in the past 12 months.
The Association have been involved in a number of projects, including; bringing the 2022 Lexus Melbourne Cup to Wallaroo, the nomination that saw Wallaroo named as the South Australian 2022 Top Tourism Town and the Flame Festival. The Association also works with Council on; activities that encourage recycling of waste, landscape work on reserves and the Wallaroo entry roads.
There are a number of ongoing projects including; installing solar lighting along the ANZAC Walking Trail, the Wallaroo Art Trail and the improvement of directional signs around the town so that residents and visitors find it easier to get around the town and to find businesses and attractions.
The Association as always is behind the Copper Coast New Year’s Eve Celebrations and the Wallaroo Christmas Carols.
Another project that is very important to Wallaroo is the establishment of an all-weather swimming enclosure to replace the jetty pool that was destroyed by storms. The Wallaroo Community Development Association strongly supports the local residents group and the council who are both working hard to ensure we have a new pool as soon as possible.
The Wallaroo Community website, www.wallaroocommunity.com.au and the Wallaroo Community Newsletter are also the work of members of the group. These resources provide important information to the community and to our visitors.
The Wallaroo Community Development Association invites people that have pride in the town they live in and who would like to help enhance the lifestyle of our residents to consider attending a meeting of the WCDA. This invitation is extended to any business people that wish to help with the economic development of Wallaroo. As individuals it is often difficult to make positive changes to our local environment but a group of like-minded people working with the council and other local organisations can often make significant changes.
The group hold informal meetings, usually monthly, and welcome people who would like to attend a meeting to just get an idea of what the WCDA is all about. If you are interested in attending a meeting or are seeking information about the group please contact Andy West on 0418 859 646
kernewek lowender 2023
Kernewek Lowender are looking for volunteers with enthusiasm and collaboration to join one of our many sub committees to assist in the planning and execution of an event while having fun and meeting new people. This festival Kernewek Lowender celebrates 50 years which is such an achievement and we are looking to our community for ideas and input to hold an unforgettable event.
When: 15th May to 21st May 2023
For more information you can contact us directly via our website kernewek.org
Works are in progress to complete an approximate 14.9 kilometre path which will start in Wallaroo off Ryan Street, intersecting the Kadina to Wallaroo Shared Path.
The trail then follows Ryan Street onto Cornish Tce, down Park Tce and onto a small section of Magazine Rd before following the old train line towards Moonta and finishes out onto Mines Road (near the old Moonta Railway Station
Wallaroo was announced as Small Tourism Town of the Year and People's Choice Winner at the Tourism Industry Council South Australia - Top Tourism Town Awards on the 18th May 2022.
THANK YOU to the locals and businesses for rallying behind this campaign and all those in the public who voted for Wallaroo.
Congratulations to the Copper Coast Council staff who were involved in putting together the Wallaroo video, editorial article and photos, and Yorke Peninsula Tourism for helping piece together the itinerary for a visit to our seaside town.
There is so much to see and do here on the Copper Coast!
Hard copies are now available in the 3 towns of Kadina, Wallaroo & Moonta. You can get a copy from the Wallaroo Heritage & Nautical Museum on Jetty Road or at the Copper Coast Visitor Information Centre, 50 Mines Road, Kadina.
To view an e-book online, please visit: https://visitcoppercoast.com.au/visitor-guide
A new Connections Partner branch has opened at 25 Taylor St, Kadina.
Please contact Joey Zhao on 0498 765 936 or via email: jzhao@cccsa.org.au for more information.
Wallaroo Lions Club warmly welcomed our newest member Shane Billett, who was proudly inducted at our September’s works meeting by visiting Vice District Governor, Zig Osis.
Shane is already proving to be a valuable team member, doing his first stint in the Wallaroo Lions' Donut Van, at our October Market, and held monthly at the Wallaroo Town Hall.
His training as a Covid Marshal will also be put to good use.
Well done Shane, and welcome to the club. Barb Newman. Secretary, Wallaroo Lions Club.
You may have noticed the Jones Street & Wildman Street murals were looking a little worse for wear? Good news! Thanks to the collaborative effort of the Wallaroo Community Development Association (sponsor) and the stellar efforts of Wallaroo Lions Club members, Peter Hatcher (who plastered the murals) and the co-ordination of our local go-getter and Lions Club Secretary, Barb Newman, we were able to commission the talented local artist Julie Cheshire to repair the murals. We are also very pleased to report that the mural located along the railway corridor running parallel to John Tce has now been completed. These fabulous artworks, also created by Julie, depict the important history of Wallaroo. Thank you!
You may have noticed some building works going on recently at the Cutter Canberra site on Heritage Walk? The team have been hard at work on the restoration project and there is now a roof. Materials generously donated by Silvercity Painting and Rapid Demolition. Thankyou to the volunteers: Doug Patterson ,Gary Butterfield, Wayne Bristow , Colin Verrall and Trevor Cox. Thanks also to Andy West for his assistance on this project.
A bit of history: This boat was kindly donated by the Angelakis family well known in SA for retail seafood. A team was set up in 2006 to create an interpretive sculpture of this fishing cutter. (22nd May, 2020)
We are conscious that the Wallaroo Swimming Enclosure (Wateroo) has not been operational for some time. The Contractors, Seaslip are working with their insurers as well as Meinhardt’s (their Consulting Engineers) and their insurers.
Council considers that the Swimming Enclosure was never ‘fit for purpose’ and is trying to progress a resolution as soon as possible. All of the information on this project is available from the Council Meeting held on the 2nd October 2019 on Council’s Website (http://www.coppercoast.sa.gov.au/page.aspx?u=2179)
WHAT CAN WE EXPECT FOR THIS SUMMER☀️? Within the Wallaroo Swimming Enclosure, there will be a set of steps near the lookout node, and a 25m section of floating pontoons anchored within the deeper water.
Last week, divers inspected the floating pontoon and ensured it is anchored into place. Over the coming weeks, additional improvements to the pontoon will be made in the way of decking and additional anchor support. The steps have been inspected and with the addition of marine carpet are ready for use.
The current enclosure is operational and will have a few additional works done over the coming fortnight to ensure it is suitable for the entire summer.
As soon as the works have been completed, we will provide further details to the community.
(Source: Copper Coast Council social media release: 10th October 2019)
Call for Glenelg terminal to include plans for Yorke Peninsula ferry
Media Release: 18 September 2019
Member for Narungga Fraser Ellis MP has joined the call for a ferry terminal to be incorporated in any plans for a major upgrade of Glenelg jetty, believing re-commencing a ferry service to Yorke Peninsula would be a game changer for the local and state’s tourism industry.
The State Government last week announced it had commissioned a study into options for a $110 million Glenelg jetty redevelopment, which prompted public comments from Kangaroo Island Mayor Michael Pengilly that provision for a new ferry terminal be considered in the planning process.
Past proposals for a Glenelg upgrade have featured a ferry berth, and Mr Ellis foresees exciting potential for Yorke Peninsula tourism should such a plan proceed.
“It has been 21 years since the Enigma III passenger ferry service from Glenelg to Edithburgh was unsuccessfully trialled, stopped only due to repeated sand and seagrass ingress into the Patawalonga and sediment build-up that required dredging too often, but it is time to look at it again”, Mr Ellis said.
“The service was very well received and ran from February 1998 for nearly 12 months.
“The vision was for a ferry service from Glenelg to Edithburgh to Kingscote return on Saturdays, Sundays and Thursdays but despite all efforts had to be abandoned due to the harbour blockages at the Glenelg end.
“Getting such a ferry service right would provide a good return on regional development and tourism investment funding, creating a lot of small business local jobs for a massive economic injection for the Yorke Peninsula region.
“Ideally, a vehicle and passenger service would then link to the Wallaroo to Lucky Bay ferry terminals, connecting our tourism region to Eyre Peninsula.
“I have made a submission to the underway study looking at options for the redevelopment of Glenelg Jetty, and have formally corresponded on the topic with the Member for Morphett Stephen Patterson, Mayor Pengilly and the Minister for Transport & Infrastructure Stephan Knoll”, Mr Ellis said.
Source: https://www.fraserellis.com.au/call_for_glenelg_terminal_to_include_plans_for_yorke_peninsula_ferry
Invasive Asian Paddle Crab found in SA waters
Monday 9 September 2019
A male Asian Paddle Crab (Charybdis japonica), which is a threatening invasive species, has been found in South Australian waters by a commercial Blue Swimmer Crab fisher.
Asian Paddle Crab – what to look out for:
- it can grow up to 120mm wide, which is smaller than the Blue Swimmer Crab
- found in a number of colours – pale, olive green, brown, purple
- sharp spines between its eyes
- six spines down each side of the shell
Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Development Tim Whetstone said the discovery of an Asian Paddle Crab is alarming on a number of fronts.
“Asian Paddle Crabs are an invasive species that threaten our local seafood industries and can be toxic if eaten by humans,” said Minister Whetstone.
“The Asian Paddle Crab is an aggressive, exotic crab that could spread diseases to our local prawns, crabs an lobsters and outcompete native species like our prized Blue Swimmer Crab.
“We are asking all fishers - commercial, recreational and charter - who are out on the water to keep an eye out for this unwelcome species. We do not want the Asian Paddle Crab to establish in South Australia – if fishers see any unusual species, please report them immediately to Fishwatch on 1800 065 522.
Illuminart visit to Wallaroo
On Friday the 16th of August 2019, Wallaroo and the Copper Coast featured as part of Illuminart's Viterra Silo Projection artshow - "Port to Port" SALA Festival projection tour!
Click the link below to view a snapshot of the event!
Wallaroo jetty is open
Flinders Port Holdings are pleased to advise that the end of the Wallaroo Jetty is open for public use during the hours of 6am-6pm every day. Please note that the jetty is subject to closure without notice due to shipping and maintenance requirements (2 August 2019)
To check closure dates and times please click here to visit the Flinders Ports website.
Do you have a passion for fishing and some time to give back to the local community? Why not consider volunteering to become part of the Fishcare team?
The Fishcare Volunteer program plays a vital role in raising community awareness about sustainable fishing practices and helping to protect the state’s fish stocks. More than 75 volunteers across SA attend regional events and patrol local jetties, boat ramps and fishing spots throughout the year to help keeps anglers up to date with recreational fishing rules and regulations.
Volunteers and now being sought to join the existing team that patrols Wallaroo and surrounding fishing spots, with training provided to all new volunteers. To register your interest contact the State Fishcare Volunteer Coordinator on 8169 0118 or for more information visit www.pir.sa.gov.au/fishcare
The link to the Fishcare page on the website is: http://www.pir.sa.gov.au/fishing/fishcare_volunteers
Cutter Canberra Sculpture
A successful fundraising dinner was held at the Coopers Alehouse Wallaroo on Friday, October 12, 2018. Over $6,000 was raised to restore the iconic "Cutter Canberra". Well known South Australian seafood identity, Michael Angelakis donated the sculpture as his family owned the boat. He was on hand to greet guests and served Kingfish Sashimi on arrival. The Weeroona Hotel Patron's Club also donated $2,000 towards the restoration project.
More About Wallaroo
President: Andy West | Secretary: Fiona Karamanlidis | Webmaster: Fiona Karamanlidis
Since this is a volunteer organisation, one or more may not be available at any given time, but this maximises the chance of a prompt response. If you will add a subject and address it to whoever you prefer to contact, it will improve the chance of the correct person responding.